Sunday, March 15, 2009

I don’t know the purpose of this post. I absolutely hate filling in those slam books. I never saw the point of them after I left school. It’s just a way or us to keep our egos fed I think. What can you possibly write for people who you don’t know much about?
For a second I thought I should do something on the blog for people who in someway affected me in the past three years. I don’t have the mood or inclination to do so anymore nor am I capable of expression.
Brian, Nehal, Parnika, Richaa, Abilash, Sudeepta, Sharanya, Huzefa , Natasha,Rachita, Madhurima,Yashas – Thank You.
Expect an email on a day when I am either really sloshed or really sentimental…. Or maybe not.

As I mentioned, there is no point of this post.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Stinkin Radiohead

Dear Miley,

I have to thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Just when I think I can’t go on anymore… you know with all the practical exams, record submissions, obese advertisement teachers who think they have won a couple of Cannes Lions and good old 5000 word thesis papers which show no signs of progress…. Just then you do something life saving like THIS!

Miley Cyrus Has Beef With Radiohead

By Jocelyn Vena (

Miley Cyrus can probably meet anyone she wants to these days. She has a hit TV show, a few hit movies under her belt, and she is the face of the Disney Teen Queen generation.

But there is one group of guys that aren't having any of it: Despite Miley's best efforts last month at the Grammy Awards to get some face time with Radiohead, she failed miserably.

"I'm like, these are the people I really want to meet," Miley said on the Johnjay and Rich morning radio show on Tuesday. "I'd freak out. They're my rock gods. These are the only people I would cry over."

The 16-year-old pop star tried to use her people to make it happen when they were all at the February 8 awards show. "[I told my manager], 'Pull as many strings.' My manger asked and said, 'Miley's really obsessed.' And they were like, 'We don't really do that.' "

Her disappointment was especially hard because "they're the reason I love music," she said. "Just to say you don't really do that - it's not like I was going to bring my crew. I had already texted all my friends that my life will be complete [if I got to meet them].

"We were all freaking out," she recalled, saying their snub was "obnoxious." "This is someone I would cry over."

Devastated, Cyrus didn't even stick around to see Thom Yorke and crew perform during the show. "I left 'cause I was so upset. I wasn't going to watch. Stinkin' Radiohead!" she said. "I'm gonna ruin them, I'm going to tell everyone."

WTF? GASP! * Where’s my inhaler, someone hand me my inhaler… Fast. *
How dare t(he)y? Not meet you? What were they thinking huh? You’re Miley slut-in-the-making Cyrus for Pete’s sake. You are the epitome of good music. That song they kept playing on radio ‘whatsitsnameseventhingsomething’… your vocal abilities really came through eh! Fabulous work girl. I mean am sure Disney has absolutely no post redcording work and tweaking after you’re done.. err. Singing? is it? I must humbly add that there have been times during which I have been dying with a soar throat and I have sounded better in the shower than what you generally sound like on your TV show… you know the one in which you secretly transform into a “rockstar” with a cheap wig and finest hooker-wear ever. And THAT pretensions British bastard? Thom Yorke is it? I am flabbergasted by his behavior! They are your rock gods eh? Creep is a really cool song no? Maybe they are just not used to having 16-year-old American prostitutes jumping excitedly with arms flapping and tits bouncing in their face as they yell and manage to text message, OMG, OMG, OMG x 10’289’69 times all at once. It’s not your fault pimpkin.

Also, too bad they have some sense self-respect and integrity! “Pull as many strings as you can”? Seriously? For someone who is really “obsessed” with a band like Radiohead you should be aware that these guys are not the types who will serenade you with covers of your own brilliantly written and composed songs on your shit-sixteen because your equally shitty and washed out daddy-dearest payed them to. I think it’s obvious that all the band members share a dislike for Fake Plastic teenwhores who disguise themselves as musicians and sell themselves on water bottles, clothes, lunch-boxes, hairbrushes, toothbrushes, ass-brushes, dog-food, cat deodorant et al.

This should have actually been a No Suprises –esque moment..(if you know what I mean.)

They are the reason a lot of us love music you know. Why don’t you show us that you love music sometimes, there are several things you could do, like:

a) Stop singing
b) Stop singing
c) Disappear completely
d) Stop singing
e) Stop singing


f) Stop singing

You texted all your friends! Damn, what are they going to think of you now Miley. That you area a lying show –off who just makes up tall tales? Shit, that’s gonna be really sad. They will stop being friends with Ms. Popstar who get them into any shit Hollywood bash they want.
Maybe daddy should fly your therapist in to help you cope with your post- Radiohead doesn’t give a rats ass about me Depression.
Maybe you could write about how you handled the situation with so much dignity and grace and how your faith never faltered in these testing times in you next autobiography which will release next year… when you are seventeen.

Awww…you poor little slut! Radiohead makes you cry! Those big bad rockstars! I agree they are obnoxious too, those British bastards. See, something we both agree on. But then again I and a billion other fans wouldn’t respect them 1/10th of how much we respect them now if they weren’t obnoxious enough to not go around posing as playthings for little slutty pop - princesses such as your self. So here are a few words of consolation to help you get through (It is also a slogan of an AIDS campaign a friends and I came up with it) DEAL WITH IT!

And you didn’t stick around to see them perform eh? Wow! You have some courage girl. I bet Thom and Greenwood threw this huge tantrum backstage when they heard that you didn’t stay for their performance. They absolutely refused to go on stage and give that brilliant performance unless they see you placing your sweet ass on the chair you were allotted. Oh lord; I wonder how they will live this down? Miley Cyrus walked out on their performance.
I also think you should know that more than 3/4th of the people I know who watched the shitty Grammy’s this year watched it only for Radioheads performance.

You didn’t see Radiohead perform! * points index finger at Miley * HA HA! Loser!

The funniest part is the “ I am going to ruin them” part. Yes, Miley. I believe you… and I also believe you have it in you to accomplish it… No, I am serious… I am not laughing maliciously, that’s just my dog. I can see the headlines.

Miley Cyrus’s latest sex video is more downloaded then Radiohead’s _______________________ ( fill in blank with their latesht video) by America’s most wanted Pedophiles.

You can do it girl!

Sure you can tell everyone… everyone will include you little fan following who look like replicas of you a.k.a teenage prostitutes. And maybe daddy dearest! Trust me they will help you bring down one of the best bands in the motherfucking univesrese.

Stinkin Radiohed : p

On the bright side, your little incident inpired me to do the Facebook graffiti thing again, did it for Polson… who is destined to be the man who will touch Thom Yorke
Here it is:

Now, scamper away… go take your I-Phone and click pictures of yourself naked or take your clothes off and dance in some Hollywood club drunk or whatever else you Disney sluts do.

Love (NOT)



(to the few priveleged people who read my blog : i noticed sakkath spelling and grammatical errors and typos... DEAL WITH IT! i am too sombheri to change it)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

This is a long pending post

Wrong People
WHAT was I thinking?
Strikes now.
Two years?
“I will Survive – Cake”
Mp3 Players are a loner’s best friend
Fake smiles
and pledges
Internal scorns
Fake plastic Moments

Lots of it
People again
Shut them out.
I wish!
Ditto. Sand
Deeper Green
Induced or not.
Far away
I am sure.
Yorke helps
Shutters come down
Fake plastic….

Window Views
Night shawl
Star spangled shit* (Night)
Sunk in?
Not yet.
Bounce into reality

I will be back

* - Nods.. directed at Polson and Jinks, Fellow band members.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Like That Only!

So, New graffiti is here. This one was for Brian.Retrad!I had a really 'Arty-Cool' plan for this one but unfortunately OTH finished downloading at that precise moment. Sometimes basketball playing, highschool teenaged, guitar strumming fathers are more appealing than Facebook Graffiti or Polson. It's life.
(Eh, I will do something better than that for you)

So, Look, comment (or don't comment) and buzz of!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I am on warm milk and laxatives...

Latesht Graffiti from world famous Rajkumar cut out painter - Naik.
I like Nirvana, This one is for Jinks because she dreams of Kurt being bad in bed.

I hate the fact that my right hand refuses to be steady when i do this Graffiti thingie. A pain it is I tell you!, I feel like i have taken my first steps to becoming "The shrivelled old lady with the cats living in Whitefield whe yells at street urchins". Quivering hands! Bah!

Somethings are just not meant to be.. I would'nt know.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Untitled # 1

I guess it’s a little more than evident, from the three posts below that I am very capable of award winning, critically acclaimed writing. “Why, Thank you! This award goes out to ALL my fans… my mother; love you mum, my mentor Medha Goyal…. The Nepali watchman on Airport Road… The waiters in Pecos…” Point put across I guess. Anyways, point of post is that in the recent past due to severe lack of Chavara and some disturbing commonality in a trivial aspect of Jinks’s and my life I got addicted to Facebook Graffiti. So, during a real good session of Rage Against The Machine I drew this on Graffiti with a very unsteady hand. I don’t know if I like it. For the few people who land up on this blog and think my writing is illegible it reads – Peace is a bitch, then you die. Yes, I lack creativity. I also like to call it Untitled # 1 because it’s cool to have you work named ‘Untitled # 34,678,4300,7’ and the likes. So, any name suggestions and thoughts are welcome.